QuickMODULE is a collection of unique SUB Procedures for QuickBASIC. This file
you are reading accompanies a histogram generation program named Histog. Histog
was written and developed on Microsoft QuickBASIC 1.0 using this special
QuickMODULE package which was developed by and is available from...
Raymond DiBugnara
18 Meadow Road
Bolton, Massachusetts 01740.
The QuickMODULE package includes the Plot, Files, Data and Help functions used in
Histog plus many more. The modules used by Histog are only tapped for a small
percentage of their real potential! QuickMODULE 1.0 is now undergoing final testing
and will be made available soon to the general public for about $50. You may write
for further information. Histog and its source code is included in this package.
QuickMODULE was written to help BASIC programmers accomplish complicated and
fairly sophisticated programming functions such as:
•Multi-layered plots up to 99 layers with symbols, various width and pattern
lines, rising/falling bars, automatic scales, etc. (Only 2 plot layers are used for
•Automatic scale drawing routine which draws log or linear graph scales in any
location and at any angle. Numerous formats are available. (Used by Histog.)
•Matrix disk file operations which can save/open 1 to 7 dimensioned arrays or
sets of arrays automatically with all error detection built in. (Used by Histog.)
•Multi-column data entry permitting data to be input in a matrix. (Only a single
column was used for Histog)
•Help function which automatically loads a “Help” file or any other text file and
scroll lists the instructions for the user. Includes a fast textwrap feature and a
quick search function. (Used by Histog.)
•Edit field data input arrays which permit paging through multiple layers of data
in any string or numerical data array. (Only 1 layer was used for Histog.)
•Printer functions including reading the print record allowing you to measure
precisely what page setup and printer setup functions have been selected by the
user. (Used by Histog.)
•An Alert function that automatically wraps and sizes itself for any amount of
alert text and presents 1 to 4 button choices. Optional edit field is presented for
user to return a text answer. (Used by Histog many places.)
•A replacement for the INPUT function which works so slick you may never use
the INPUT statement again. Unlike INPUT, this function supports fractional widths
and outline fonts.
•Functions to do string trimming, get system font list, get the startup files and
get “key down” even when you are in an edit field, etc. (Used by Histog.)
•Various other little gems like getting the startup application, the startup print
files, numerical roundoff, automatic text wrap routines, routines to cound number
of lines of text in a field, fast string-to-matrix swap functions, etc.
Since each of these functions is called with a single line (plus, in some cases, some
lines to dimension the variables), a weekend programmer can put together a tight
program in no time at all. This is especially a benefit to technical people who need
to write programs for their work but up to now had to settle for a clunky program
with crude interfaces because they didn't have time to write a seamless
Each function is written as a CALL routine with local variables. No conflict will
occur with any previously defined variables or labels in your own program. The
QuickModule package source codes are embedded with tutoral comments to teach
you what is going on. Duplicate versions with all comments stripped are also
The QuickMODULE package comes with examples for using each module as well as a
shell program and a copy of Histog and its source code. All modules are in BASIC
with explanations for use embedded in the source code and can be freely edited by
the programmer for any special effects. Compiled versions of any module may be
freely distributed with no license fee. Non-compiled versions can be likewise
distributed if they are part of a program written by a liscensed QuickMODULES
user and if the comment stripped version of each module is used (also provided
with the QuickMODULE package).
I am currently enlisting a few beta testers for QuickMODULES. I put this offer at the end of this file because I figured only a real computer nut would be curious enough to read this far. If you enjoy programming with QuickBASIC but would like to have a little more fun doing it, please drop me a line. You have my address.